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Paul McConnell
President & CEO
Mr. McConnell is the founder and principal consultant for McConnell & Company. He has more than 35 years of experience in the compensation and benefits field. This experience includes positions with leading national consulting firms such as Towers Perrin and Hay Associates and as Senior Vice President of Compensation and Benefits for Barnett Banks, Inc. Most recently, Mr. McConnell formed and is one of the managing partners of Board Advisory, LLC. Board Advisory offers extensive consulting services to Boards of Directors on executive compensation, talent management and succession planning.
Mr. McConnell specializes in executive compensation, sales incentives and the development of broad based employee incentive plans. His particular interest is helping companies to achieve their corporate objectives by identifying an overall compensation strategy that supports those objectives; then developing and implementing the necessary programs. Mr. McConnell also has extensive experience in expert testimony work regarding estimates of lost income.
Mr. McConnell holds a bachelor’s degree in mathematics from the University of Washington. He has taught for the American Compensation Association. Mr. McConnell is also a member of the Society of Actuaries.
Cat McConnell Hackenberg
Mrs. Hackenberg has been with McConnell & Company since 2009, working specifically with our higher education & non-profit clients drawing on her professional experience as an Alumni Relations professional. She manages the yearly Institutional Advancement & Alumni Relations Compensation Survey.
Mrs. Hackenberg holds an MBA from the Crummer Graduate School of Business at Rollins College complimenting her bachelor’s degree in psychology from Rollins; she is also Six Sigma Green Belt certified.